Oppo is launching Find N5 with an extremely thin profile, and today the foldable was compared to the latest iPad Pro. The image was shared by Billy Zhang, President of Overseas Marketing, who claimed on social media that the company had pushed its engineering to ensure “an optimal experience, folded or unfolded.”
The device also appeared in hands-on photos on the same social network, revealing the thin profile and camera alignment, which aligns with previous images we’ve seen.
Oppo’s comparison to an Apple tablet is not unexpected – the Chinese company often does this type of analogy between itself and the Cupertino brand. There’s also the assumption that you don’t need to pay for an iPad when you can have a Find N5 foldable that is both a smartphone and a tablet.
Looking at the live images, we can see the device is impressively thin. We can also spot some minor features like the USB-C port, a notification slider, and the power button that will host the fingerprint scanner.
Oppo will reportedly launch Find N5 with a modified Snapdragon 8 Elite with only seven CPU cores. We have to wait for the phone to be launched to see whether this will affect the performance.