The POCO F7 Ultra and POCO F7 Pro, launching soon, will be rebranded Redmi K80 Pro and Redmi K80 for global markets, respectively. While many people believed that these phones would carry the exact specifications as their Chinese siblings, the fact has emerged that Xiaomi has once again cut down on battery capacity in the global variants, which has been observed to occur similarly in the case of the POCO X7 Pro (rebranded Redmi Turbo 4).
Differences Between Global and Chinese Versions
According to our research on Mi Code, we obtained the following information.
POCO F7 Ultra
- Chinese Version (Redmi K80 Pro):
- Battery Capacity: 6000 mAh
- Fast Charging: 120W
- Global Version (POCO F7 Ultra):
- Battery Capacity: 5300 mAh
- Fast Charging: 120W
- Chinese Version (Redmi K80):
- Battery Capacity: 6550 mAh
- Fast Charging: 90W
- Global Version (POCO F7 Pro):
- Battery Capacity: 6000 mAh
- Fast Charging: 90W
Examples: POCO X7 Pro and Redmi Turbo 4
A similar thing occurred with the POCO X7 Pro, which went on sale in markets worldwide as a rebadged Redmi Turbo 4. Yet, the variant sold abroad running on the same batteries came with a smaller battery capacity:
- Redmi Turbo 4 (China): 6550 mAh
- POCO X7 Pro (Global): 6000 mAh
Why are Battery Capacities different?
Xiaomi may have decided to reduce battery capacities in global models from a variety of reasons:
- Production and Cost Optimization: Reduced production costs may be the reason for international models.
- Design and Logistics: Hardware design may need to be changed for international regulatory needs or logistics.
- Market Strategy: Devices with somewhat reduced specifications can attract certain pricing strategies or consumer demands in different regions.
- EU safety things
The POCO F7 Ultra and F7 Pro are still eagerly awaited devices, but the drop in battery capacities from their Chinese versions might disappoint a few users. Yet, features such as 120W fast charging and robust hardware ensure these models remain an attractive choice for the global market.
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